Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thi-rsT !!

 Pillow draws me to ‘a big’ sleep

      After i pour 
thirst-quenching water into my throat.

I once had “a deep” sleep 
in your arms 
with a thirsty wish in my heart! :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Ri-pp-Le !! :)

Wearing a black attire
Mascara in eyes.......

I Smile,
A little dimple on cheek, appears
Made of honey!

I flaunt,
A silver coloured heart,
Embroidered with peace!

I succumb,
To my loose falling, curls
Settling perfectly on me!

I adore,
A dream under shinning stars, still
Twinkling in my eyes!

I paint,
Memories of yesterdays, with
Pastels of colors and art taught by garden butterflies

I wait,
Sitting at the corner, for
The ‘Big FuLL MooN’ to silently, walk down to me

Kiss me with his eyes....sitting beside me
Palpitations galore! ;)


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

pOst-it !! :)

They say “maGic” happens in a blink. The ‘bLinK’ is short-lived but permeates through the inner nerves to settle deep in thoughts and senses. I have had millions of such ‘maGic MoMenTs’ flown in to me, by a ‘maGiCian’ sitting above. I love to a keep a memoir of all beautiful, splendid n ecstatic experiences, for which i’m chosen for, to feel and understand them.

I have gathered here, that if all those ‘MoMenTs’, felt inside are granted a peaceful abode outside, they form a perfect story trail. The story reflects enthusiastic, playful and cheerful characters coming alive, each time you touch them........! :)

“pOst-it” notes are my saviour in crafting this memorable trail of stories.....created out of jiffy plot. I feel contented, each time I ‘sTiCk’ a new post-it on my wall and see it shaping into a block-buster......... ;)

The group of above post-it, bears testimony of the wonderful moments that i felt and continue to feel.....they give you a fillip to build a strong pathway onto the journey of life, with a toast to raise always, for each captured precious ‘maGical bLinKs’, written with love :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

दो बीघा आसमान !!

दो बीघा आसमान !
दो बीघा.......सिर्फ़ दो बीघा आसमान
दिला दो ना मुझे :)

एक-एक अठन्नी, जोड़ जोड़, जिसकी कीमत
मैने हो चुकाई.......
बड़े प्यार से, अपनीपिग्गी बॅंकजब
मैने टुड-वाई !

चाँद सा सफ़ेद, हो जो
सोने जैसा खरा.....
दीवारें उसकी पंख जैसीऔर
बादलों से हो भरा :)

दरवाज़े पे, नक्काशी हो मनमोहक
और उस पर.....नाम लिखा हो मेरा
भीतर आते ही, आए खुशबू
सीटी, सू-सू गाए.....और खाने को
ललचाए......दिल मेरा :)

रंग बिरंगे, हवा में, झूमते पर्दे
धीमे से, जो गिरा दे तुम्हें.....
मखमली सी...........
आवारा बिस्तरे पे :)

गुद-गुदाते तकिये से फिर, दोस्ती हो जाए
सारे ज़माने के 'जोक्स' याद जायें.....
ग़ुब्ब-आरे सा मन, गद-गद हो जाए
और धीमे-धीमे, मीठी नींद, तुम्हें जाए !

'भोर', तुम्हें आहिस्ता-आहिस्ता, जगाए
डाल पे बैठ, छोटी-छोटी चिड़िया,
चू-चू कर, कहानियाँ सुनाए......

फूलों की क्यारियाँ हो, बिखरी
हो बड़ा सा एक, झूला भी
पानी में तैरती, मनचली मछलियाँ....

यह सब.....
मिलकर हैं बनाते....
एक खूबसूरत घर....
मेरे दो बीघा आसमान......पर !!
